Choosing a paediatric first aid course

Learning to save a life is one of the most important skills you can have, and especially when it comes to children. Children are always taking risks, exploring new and sometimes dangerous places, that is why learning first aid within the sector of children is vital.
There are many reasons why a child may require first aid; it could be choking, burns, bleeding, allergic reactions and many more.
when looking for paediatric first aid training courses in London, it is essential to make sure they cover the following aspects of first aid:

What is the role of a paediatric first aider?
The course should provide you with an overview of what your role will be on completion of the course. You should walk away feeling confident in the first aid of children and understand how to manage a variety of scenarios that you could face from day-to-day.

Emergency or not?
It is vital to be able to assess a situation quickly and decide if you require emergency support to help. Getting help can be the most crucial part of first aid. Understanding if you can deal with the situation is extremely important.

Dealing with an unconscious child/infant
No one wants to be faced with an unconscious child or infant; however, a course that provides you with the skills and theory is essential. You will learn basic life support that will enable you to provide vital life support until the emergency services arrive to the child. Easy to remember algorithms should be taught and practical scenarios used to practice your technique.

What to do is a child is choking?
Children and babies love to put things in their mouth, be it food or any item for that matter. Choking is when there is an obstruction to the airway which prevents the child from breathing, Scenarios of a chocking child should include the difference between infant and child chocking and conscious and unconscious child or infant.

Wounds and bleeds
First aid covers minor injuries, should that be as dressing a wound as an interim to go to a hospital or to simply dressing a wound that can heal at home. Courses should cover wound assessment and management of a bleed.

Other topics a paediatric first aid training course should cover is:
Dealing with shock
Fractures and dislocations
Head, neck and back injuries
Eye, nose and ear conditions
CPR and AED training
Febrile convulsions
Dealing with extreme heat and cold
Electric shocks
Burns and scalds
Poisons, bites and stings

Being a paediatric first aider is a significant and rewarding role to have and obtaining the qualification to practice first aid is essential for helping to save lives.