Category Archives: Health Advice

First Aid Training is for everyone

First aid is an important skill to have, as it can help save lives without the need for trained professionals to step in. This is why first aid training is so common and popular among people across all ages, cultures, and walks of life. Not only does training give people a sense of purpose and […]

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What is dental immediate life support training?

In an ideal world, all patients would have a clear health care proxy and be able to voice their wishes regarding medical treatment. However, that is not always the case. If you are ever in a situation where someone needs emergency first aid for dental problems, it is important that you know what to do […]

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Medication and Addiction

We all know about medication and addiction as two separate topics. Using medication to treat ourselves, especially our own pain. And addiction, the process of becoming addicted to something, mainly drugs or alcohol. But, it is not commonly known that you can become addicted to medication, especially pain medication like strong pain killers. This is […]

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Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Safe?

As more people are being offered their covid-19 vaccine, we are seeing a huge increase in people asking the question as to whether or not the vaccine is truly safe for us to be using. We are going to answer this question for you today by sharing with you the facts about the vaccine. While […]

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