The key to a healthy lunch

Many people find it hard to stay healthy during the day. For many office workers in particular, it’s easy to head on over to the local shop to pick up a calorific sandwich and a packet of crisps for less than 3 pounds. You won’t regret it at the time but you will hours, days […]

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Cake Days at Work

We’ve all been there. You get in the office nice and early on a Monday morning ready to start the week fresh. You’ve already bought your healthy breakfast and you’re looking forward to you gym session when you arrive home later that evening. But wait, it’s somebody’s birthday and they’ve brought in 10,000 cakes. You […]

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Bulking up whilst losing fat

Not every slim person has low body fat, some very skinny guys and girls carry a lot of fat beneath the surface, so one question that gets asked a lot is: Can I bulk up and lose fat at the same time? Unfortunately there is no simple answer and you’ll know that if you’ve spent […]

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Having one bad day a week

I recently grew tired of my flab and love handles and I’ve started working out and eating better. I barely touch a carb and I exercise almost every day, and I’m finally starting to see a difference. I do have one dirty little secret though, I have one day a week where I’m allowed to […]

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Dealing with a gluten intolerance

First things first, an intolerance is not an allergy, I often have to explain this to my friends so I thought I’d get that out of the way instantly. An allergy is an abnormal reaction to the immune system (usually to a particular food) and the reaction can at times be mild or life threatening. […]

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