Many celebrities have embraced and essentially endorsed gluten free diets, but is it actually healthy?
In simple terms, the answer is no, and allow us to tell you why. Many unhealthy foods include gluten (grains of wheat, barley or rye), but there are also many gluten-free foods that are very unhealthy. Take a milk chocolate bar as an example; just because it’s gluten free, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. There’s no need to completely remove gluten from your diet, unless you’re of course you are intolerant to gluten.
You should instead look at creating and maintinaing a balanced diet. Remember, gluten isn’t unheallthy, take multigrain cereal as another example. It is obviously very good for you but it is packed with gluten, and it is another reason why you shouldn’t look too much into whether something is ‘gluten-free’ or not. Trust us on this one.