Conquering the Common Cold

Nobody likes a cold. A sore throat makes it difficult to swallow, a headache makes it difficult to concentrate and a blocked nose leaves you feeling bunged up and frustrated.

To overcome the common cold quickly, there are some home remedies you can try, and we’re going to talk you through three of the most popular options:

Mum’s Chicken Soup

It doesn’t matter who you mum is or how good a cook she is, there’s something magical in a mum’s homemade chicken soup. It possibly creates a placebo effect, whereby you think you’re feeling better, but what the hey, we think it works!

Tea Towel and Bowl of Boiling Water

Putting you head over a bowl of boiling water and covering you head up with a tea towel can help unblock your sinuses. Adding Vicks warm vaporizing gel can have you breathing clearly in no time.

Take a Hot Shower

A hot shower will moisturize your nasal passages, and help you relax. You’ll come out feeling cleaner on the outside and the inside, with clearer sinuses and soothed limbs.